What did I just buy? 5
Sure, there’s lots of sites, blogs and Youtubers to tell you about new stuff. Like my Tool Much Fun blog for example.
But what did they get free licenses for, and what did they buy with their own funds? I decided to publish what I actually bought for myself.
iOS music
Rather than endless compressors and EQs, I do like effects apps and this one seems to make unique tones.
I also love octavers, so had to grab this one. Mentioned in Tool Much Fun 7.
I thought the way this flipped CCs with Notes could make for interesting drones. Mentioned first in Tool Much Fun 6.
Desktop music
Another reverb to make things sound like they are in different spaces. But this one includes drive and gating or ducking, and some EQing built in.
This one lets you make one sound “morph” into another. Even though morph really makes shape, not change. I realized after buying it I possibly should have bought the upgrade to Zynaptiq Morph 3 instead but that is kinda pricey.
Sonible Smart:deess
(Click below to get to Sonible’s site) Did I need another DeEsser? Maybe not, as I already have the SSL and the Xils one. But they don’t always play nice with other plugins like Soundradix Auto Align, so I got this one along with
Possibly designed more for drums but I want to try it on vocals.
This was called a one trick pony synth, but I watched the demo and decided I couldn’t really create the same effects quickly with my existing synths. I want to write some more dubby-style grooves so I thought this would fit in nicely. Compare with TekIt Audio DubSiren which I wasn’t aware of when I bought it, even though I have bought a couple of their other items.
Did I need another distortion plugin? Maybe not. But this one seems to have a variety of other effects built in so it’s a bit like a mini channel strip. And it won’t be on sale again until Black Friday, and even then not as cheap as the launch price.
Kontakt Instruments
Maybe I have enough percussion. But this seemed like an extensive library.
Realsamples French Harpischord
I know I might not use this often, but when I hear it in other songs I think they sound good, and I wanted to try it in a non-classical way. One thing worthy to note is that Realsamples sells different sample rates— I didn’t realize I was buying a 44.1kHz-only version until it was a little too late. I’m not sure how that affects working in 48kHz projects. Read the fine print.
So that’s it for now. What with all this blogging and getting two young cats I haven’t had much time to use the creative items, but I have been using the mixing and mastering tools for work on my band’s upcoming album.