What’s On the Wishlist

I call it a wishlust sometimes, not to sound like an Aotearoan but because I certainly lust after new sound tools.
Here’s a sublist (looks like I just made that word up) of what is on mine today. I don’t know if they all do what they promise to, as I have not tried out the demos. Inclusion here is not an endorsement and I was not contacted by any of these companies, but if any of them read this I am open to installing a demo and making a first-use video. Be warned, like Wyste I am not a read-the-manual-first type of person.

Slate & Ash Spectres

Kontakt instrument. Looks pretty powerful, but without a complex interface.

United Plugins Bitpunk

Seems like an interesting way to mangle your sound.

United Plugins Mastermind

All-in-one quick mastering plugin which includes a widener like many of the offerings from Pluginalliance. I’ve also got Initial Audio’s Master Suite which recently crashed on me (I blame JUCE)

Inear Display Incipit

Inear was one of the first plugin companies I recall buying. They are underrated. See also Sinevibes for further soundmangling.

United Plugins Expanse3D

I have a number of wideners, but they do have a different sound to me, and like limiters you can never have too many.

Echograin Tranzwave

Kontakt instrument for an emulation of a Fizmo synth which I hadn’t heard of before.

WA Production Imperfect

Another synth for the synth junkie.

WA Production Dynawide

See above with regards to wideners. This one seems to be multiband which is often handy and saves you having to use another plugin in your chain such as Zplane Peel Stems, which is therefore also on the wishlust!

Zplane Peel Stems


Free license for KSHMR Essentials Kick if you sign up to their newsletter.

Kazrog Avalon VT-747SP

Interface for Kazrog Avalon plugin

Emulation of a hardware combo EQ, Compressor and saturator. Soundgoodizer!

Glitchmachines Exonode

“Abstract Sound Effects”. See, I don’t only lust after plugins and Kontakt instruments! There are plenty of great sample packs around. This one is by one of the top weird noise makers in the industry.

Sketchsamples Total Guitar Bundle

I was recently commssioned to compose a piece which included some acoustic guitar. Yes I have two real guitars but it’s not always convenient to do a proper recording, even though I have multiple mics. I went in search of some Kontakt instruments to expedite composing and found these, because it doesn’t seem like the Kontakt Komplete comes with an acoustic for playing legato notes, only some prestrummed rhythm stuff.

OK, well there are always more and I think that has given you enough to explore for now. If you have any thoughts on the above, I have the comments open. Enjoy soundshopping. I thought I had just made up the words ‘prestrummed’ and ‘soundshop’ but I’m not seeing the red squiggly line.


What did I just buy? 2


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